Pivotal Practices Consulting periodically hosts free webinars designed to enhance individual, team, and organizational performance.
The Birkman: A Better Way to Increase Self-Awareness
Pivotal's assessment instrument of choice is the Birkman. This webinar provides an overview of the tool and its uses for enhancing self-awareness and external awareness.
Critical Thinking: The Platinum Core Competency
Critical thinking is essential to effective learning and even productive living. In this webinar, participants will learn to make reasoned judgments that are logical and well thought out in the workplace.
Lessons Learned from Project Failure
Every organization, big and small, experiences project failure at some point. This interactive webinar provided insights on the signs of project failure, reviewed case studies on epic project fails, and shared tips on how to fail well and learn from it.
Preparing for the Senior Executive Service (SES): Developing Your ECQs
This engaging webinar provides tips and techniques for developing impactful Executive Core Qualifications (ECQs). (Note: Audio clarity improves after the moderator's introduction.)
Inclusion as the New Diversity
This webinar focused on highlighting thought-provoking and non-threatening actions and words that will assist in creating a positive climate, with a strong focus on the dimensions of diversity.
Influencing Without Authority
This session provides tools to support employees who are expected to lead in an empowered environment. The perspective presented is that each employee - regardless of position, title, or assigned “leadership” responsibility - has both opportunity and obligation to lead in position.